Padma Aon Prakasha
3 min readMay 18, 2021


The 8 Original Cells are your first and original 8 cells of life, the very first 8 cells in you that form after fusion of the Egg & Sperm. The information and patterns held in these 8 Original Cells are uniquely your own, and is passed on from all your previous lifetimes to this one.

In each lifetime you have certain lessons, gifts, soul purposes, karmas and patterns that you play out and learn from. The unresolved ones you have not completed in each lifetime are carried on when your physical body dies, to your next physical body, through your KA lightbody, the vehicle for your spirit.

The 8 Original Cells hold all your incarnational information, experiences and lessons from all your lifetimes, as well as any and all of your remaining patterns, causal wounds and karmas. All the information for your life experiences, all your conditionings, all your karmas from all of your lifetimes, are stored in the 8 Cells, and migrate with you from lifetime to lifetime through the KA body until they are complete, resolved and fulfilled. In other words, the KA body takes this information upon the death of your physical body and migrates it to your next physical body in the wheel of re-incarnation.

This wheel continues to spin, giving you lifetime after lifetime of experience and opportunities to resolve your karmas, until your karma/conditionings are released from our 8 original cells. If these karmas are not released, moved through, learnt from and resolved, you will continue to reincarnate as a human being on earth.

The 8 Original Cells hold your ‘destiny pattern’ for both your karma and your Awakening. The 8 hold the information for re-incarnation, which is set for each person before they incarnate as an embryo in the womb. The 8 Cells hold the reason why you are here now, on earth, in a body, and are thus a huge Key to your evolution and dissolution of your karma and our total Awakening.

The Original Eight Cells form and arise in our physical body from its vehicle and carrier, the KA lightbody, in the first 5 days of conception. They contain all the information (karma) for your incarnation patterns, the information from your previous actions and experiences that are unresolved, the many reasons you have incarnated, your soul purpose, lessons and traumas, as well as all the solutions to complete your incarnation.

This is why the maxim ‘to thine own self be true’ is so relevant. Every individual has their own unique pattern for their life held in their original eight cells, and only by following this information and living it can you be who you truly are, and therefore free. Everyone’s pathway is unique. The Science of the 8 Cells means the end of religion and the establishing of Sovereignty for each and every individual.

When the 8 are cleared of all patterning and conditioning, then we can live in total freedom and live our original blueprint. There is then no need to continue re incarnating as all patterns, all information, and all conditionings are dissolved and we are brought back into our true blueprint and original flow as part of the universal wave. We then have no barrier or obstacle to being part of the universal wave.

In essence, the 8 Original Cells hold all our karma, all our reasons for being here on earth, our deepest and most intractable lessons, our soul purpose, our destiny, our fulfilment, and all the ways to achieve this.

Taken from a longer article and experiential teaching ‘’The Original 8 Cells’’ by Padma Aon Prakasha.

Copyright Padma Aon Prakasha 2021. All rights reserved.



Padma Aon Prakasha

Padma Aon is a wisdom author and vibrational musician merging yoga wisdom with new science to give informed, transforming experiences of The Power of Sound