The universal sound current is a sound-light Wave moving throughout all creation, throughout all living sentient beings, throughout all life. It inter- connects all life through this living wave of vibration, this quantum resonance or background hum of creation. There is nowhere this sound is not: we simply have to remove all the noise and conditioned filters of the mind, body and wounded psyche to receive it, or rather to consciously merge with this sound current that is already here.
This quantum wave frequency has been known by different names: The OM in the East, the SHEM in the West. The organic technology within the depth of the human brain, nervous system and DNA is the interface through which we access this Sound of Creation.
In both East and West certain vowel sound combinations were used to access this Wave of the universal sound current. In ancient Egypt and in the Kabalistic traditions these vowel sounds were deliberately obscured and left out in written transcriptions. In India these vowel sounds, the purest sounds found within all languages, are revealed in Sanskrit Sutras that show the very beginning of the Sanskrit alphabet.
Scientists have speculated that the background hum of the universe or Cosmic Background Radiation (COBE) is the ever-present field of the universal sound current. This current is a wave and a field simultaneously. Whilst this is a powerful and permeating frequency, it is not the Universal Sound Current, as this, as yet, cannot be measured in relative terms, only in quantum computations that we currently don’t have the external technology to measure.
Yet, we have always had the inner technology to access it as a direct experience, as mystics from many traditions have testified to.
To access the universal sound current takes a number of factors:
1. A teacher who experiences the Current, and who can guide you through the steps and stages required for you to access it
2. The clearing and opening of the nervous system, spine and brain, releasing its shocks, traumas and blocks
3. A Meditative capacity acquired through desire, discipline, devotion, dedication
4. Grace or Sudden opening
Traditionally, a teacher would come from a lineage where others before him or her had experienced and taught this. The main requirement to teach this form of Sound Yoga is that a person has experienced the universal sound current and can effectively pass on the science to others.
Today there are many ways to clear the nervous system, with the result being the allowance of the wave through the whole spine. This can be ecstatic, an experience many people have in deep lovemaking, full body orgasm and all chakra orgasm. This is one aspect of the universal wave: the opening of the central channel in the spine. But to open and unite the chakras along the spine so this wave is accessible at will there is one fast method: Kriya Yoga.
The meditative capacity borne through these openings, healings and practices is acquired through deep dedicated desire for your growth.
A few rare people can suddenly open to the universal sound current without prior training. This can be called Grace, with other explanations being that these people have had past life experiences of the sound current or training in it. These magical moments occur suddenly, yet it does not necessarily mean that the person can help others achieve it, as there is a science involved in it.
Copyright Padma Aon Prakasha 2019. From forthcoming book, ‘’The Science of Sound: The Four Modes of Vibration.’